ICCS 2001

9th International Conference
On Conceptual Structures

Broadening the Base

July 30 to August 3, 2001

Stanford University, California, USA

Sponsored by the Stanford Knowledge Systems Lab
and the Center for the Study of Language and Information

The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) have been held annually in Europe, Australia, and North America since 1993. Their focus is on the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge with applications to artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, and related areas of computer science.

Historically, a group of researchers working on the theory and applications of conceptual graphs founded the ICCS. Over the years, they have broadened the scope to include a wider range of theories, including formal concept analysis, description logics, situation theory, discourse representation theory, SNePS, and other related techniques.

Papers for ICCS'01 are invited on the following topics: conceptual structures (theory, applications, and experience with case studies); natural language processing with emphasis on semantics and pragmatics; conceptual analysis, modeling, representation, and visualization; knowledge acquisition; and the theory and applications of ontology. Comparisons of methods and representations on the basis of reasoning ability, expressiveness, ease of use, and computational performance are welcome.

ICCS 2001 will hold a joint session with the 2001 International Workshop on Description Logics, which will be held at Stanford from August 1st to 3rd. We encourage authors to submit papers to the joint session.

In addition to the joint session with DL 2001, the ICCS 2001 conference will include workshops on Natural Language Semantics, PORT Semantic Web, and CGTools.

Additionally, ICCS is co-located with the Semantic Web Workshop of the DARPA DAML Program and the OntoWeb Network.

Stanford oval and main quad
General Chair
Robert Levinson
Program Cochairs
Harry Delugach
Gerd Stumme
Local Arrangements Chair
Robert Spillers
Description Logics
PORT Semantic Web
Concept Lattice-based Knowledge Discovery
Other Information
Conference Location
Campus Housing
Conference Proceedings
Supplementary Conference Proceedings
Calls for Submission (closed)
Hotels & Motels
Visitor's information

International Conferences on Conceptual Structures
Editorial Board
Galia Angelova (Bulgaria)
Michel Chein (France)
Peter Eklund (Australia)
John Esch (USA)
Bernhard Ganter (Germany)
Roger Hartley (USA)
Mary Keeler (USA)
Lotfi Lakhal (France)
Wilfried Lex (Germany)
Deborah McGuinness (USA)
Guy Mineau (Canada)
Bernard Moulin (Canada)
Marie-Laure Mugnier (France)
Heather Pfeiffer (USA)
Uta Priss (USA)
John Sowa (USA)
Bill Tepfenhart (USA)
Rudolf Wille (Germany)
Program Committee
Jean-François Baget (France)
Tru Cao (U.K.)
Claudio Carpineto (Italy)
Paul Compton (Australia)
Dan Corbett (Australia)
Judy Dick (Canada)
David Genest (France)
Olivier Gerbé (Canada)
Carole Goble (UK)
Robert Godin (Canada)
Michel Habib (France)
Ollivier Haemmerlé (France)
Adil Kabbaj (Morocco)
Adalbert Kerber (Germany)
Sergei Kuznetsov (Germany)
Pavel Kocura (UK)
Wolfgang Lenski (Germany)
Graham Mann (Australia)
Philippe Martin (Australia)
João P. Martins (Portugal)
Ralf Moeller (Germany)
Aldo de Moor (Netherlands)
Amadeo Napoli (France)
Lhouari Nourine (France)
Peter Øhrstrøm (Denmark)
Silke Pollandt (Germany)
Susanne Prediger (Germany)
Richard Raban (Australia)
Anne-Marie Rassinoux (Switzerland)
Daniel Rochowiak (USA)
Eric Salvat (France)
Ulrike Sattler (Germany)
Peter Patel-Schneider (USA)
Stuart Shapiro (USA)
Finnegan Southey (Canada)
Thanwadee Thanitsukkarn (Thailand)
Petko Valtchev (Canada)
Michel Wermelinger (Portugal)
Karl Erich Wolff (Germany)

Stanford Knowledge Systems Lab
Sponsored by
Stanford Knowledge Systems Lab and CSLI

Center for the Study of Language and Information